The Spook's Wiki

Greeba Keep is a castle located on the Isle Of Mona.


Greeba Keep was for a long time in the possession of Lord Barrule and the Yeomen, until it was occupied by Bony Lizzie for a short time, before coming under the control of the The Ruling Council and the Tynwald.


Greeba Keep was surrounded by a wide moat, over which a wooden bridge led to the outer portcullis. Past this there was a flagged area with many stone buildings. At the canter of this was the main tower, with a second portcullis. Part of the castle was underground and connected to the Buggane's labyrinth.


The following descriptions are of the rooms as found directly following the death of Lord Barrule.


  • Throne room - this was the largest room in the tower, with walls clad in white marble and hung with tapestries. A long narrow crimson carpet ran across the room to a seven step high dais, on which was an ornate jade throne. This room also had a large window with a recessed seat, that overlooked the keep.
  • Bedrooms - many bedrooms could be found on the lower floors and five luxurious ones with recessed windows, ornate mirrors and tapestries. These were located on the top floor, accessible from the antechamber.
  • Drawing rooms - the tower was said to have had multiple drawing rooms.
  • Extensive Kitchens - the tower had extensive kitchens
  • Antechamber - on the top floor of the tower there was a circular antechamber, with eight doors leading to rooms with large windows and recessed seats. One of there was a bathroom, five were bedrooms, one was a study, and the last was a dressing room.
  • Bathroom - the bathroom had a tiled floor and a large wooden bath.
  • Study - the study contained three rows of books, a table with a human skull, a large chest of money and shelves with potions in jars and bottles.
  • Dressing room - the dressing room contained many ornate clothes.


  • Long room - Inside the Buggane's domain, the long room was where Lord Barrule held dogfights and gambling. The room had many cages for the dogs and had a tunnel entrance to the Buggane's labyrinth.
  • Cells - the prison cells of Greeba Keep had three walls of stone with a wooden door set in one. The fourth wall was of earth, so the Buggane could tunnel into the cell. Some cells held solitary prisoners, while others had multiple.
  • Guard room - the guard room had racks of weapons along the walls, a fire grate and tables for eating,


  • Great Hall - the great hall was large and spectacular, with a high roof which reminded Thomas Ward of the Priestown Cathedral. The walls were lined with tapestries that depicted scenes form the island's history, such as battles and Viking raids. The walls were light by many torches.


Greeba keep is probably inspired by Greeba Castle and/or Greeba Towers, which were designed by John Robinson of Douglas and were built in 1849 on the Isle of Man.
