Hairy Boggarts are known to spooks to blend in well and take the form of animals, such as the case of John Gregory’s pet boggart, Kratch, that takes the form of a ginger cat. Alice saw the hairy boggart, Raknid, who became a daemon, appear as a giant spider after becoming a daemon. They are not always hostile and may even be employed, like Kratch.
Tom Ward is taught about hairy boggarts very early in his apprenticeship to John Gregory. The old spook explains that most hairy boggarts take the form of dogs, cats, goats, and horses, but powerful one may take any form that they wish. One was even known to take the form of a devil, complete with horns, hooves, and a tail. Some hairy boggarts are friendly, and some are not. Dog or goat boggarts tend to be malicious, whereas cat or horse boggarts may be friendlier. John Gregory first bound a hairy boggart eighteen months into his apprenticeship to Henry Horrocks, which was the first boggart he bound.