Maenads are wild women from Greece, who get their powers from blood and wine. They work themselves into a frenzy, which makes them real savage and gives them great strength. With their superhuman strength, they can pull their enemies apart bare handed. Maenads are so wild that they are considered to be more animal than human. Maenads aren't considered witches, but their are some who can scry. However, they don't use mirrors though, instead they have a sacrificial goat drink large quantities of wine and, when the goat finished drinking, the maenads split it open to study the innards. Voila! Sight into the future. In Greek mythology, Maenads were the followers of Dionysus, god of wine, and they did indeed work themselves into frenzies, which made them behave like little more than animals. In The Last Apprentice: Clash of the Demons, Maenads are the followers of the Ordeen.