"Priests! Why don't they stick to what they know! Let me get on with my business and other folks on with thiers." - John Gregory
Priests are servants of the Church in the Wardstone Chronicles. They often resent spooks for dealing with the dark, which they consider their own job. Priests use their holy books and the cross to deal with the darkness, though John Gregory believes that this is not the right way to deal with the darkness, it is proven that prayers help to fight against evil. John Gregory tells Tom that he does not dislike the church for their believening in a God, because he has gotten out of situations where there was absolutely no chance of surviving. The Spook had a apprentice that was trained in the duty of a spook, Father Stocks, but later became a priest. Gregory valued him very much because he is trained well in both lines of work, and was very sad when he died, killed by the dark creature Tibb.