The Segantii, otherwise known as the Little People, were the natives of the County and the ancestors of humans. They were small but gradually grew in size as the invaders came to their shores and mated with one another. So they aren't extinct as their blood still runs in those who live in the County. The Segantii worshiped the Bane, a malevolent spirit that terrorized the Segantii for many years including their king, Heys. The Bane demanded a yearly tribute from Heys, making him sacrifice each of his seven sons every year. After six of his sons had been killed, Heys died of a broken heart. Hey's seventh son Naze managed to bind the Bane in the Priestown catacombs by making a blood pact with it and winning at the Bane's own game. But sadly after Naze's great plan, the Bane killed him on the spot then crushed his bones, giving them to the Segantii so they could bury Naze properly. But even though the Bane was bound, some of the Segantii still gave the Bane burned offerings, many people were pressed for their trouble.