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The Spook's Wiki


Slake is one of the sister of Wynde, a Greek vaegnir brought in one of the three trunks from Greece by Thomas' mother, Mam, to protect him.

During book 9 - Spook: I Am Grimalkin - we see Slake and her sister - Wynde - in Malkin Tower. They are there to guard the trunks that have very vital information about what Mam used to hobble the Fiend, which Thomas Ward is planning on using to destroy him. When Grimalkin and Thorne are seeking refuge in the tower from a kretch, the kretch utters a challenge to them, calling them dishonorable names and demands them to fight him. Wynde is outraged by these comments and proceeds to attack the kretch. She is then killed by the kretch, with the help of some witches and Bowker (his creator). During this, Slake in guarding the secret passage into the tower from possible threats. When Grimalkin and Thorne rush down to tell Slake, she says that she "felt" her sister's death and already knew what had happened.
