The Spook's Wiki

Stone Chuckers are a type of boggart.


Stone Chuckers are a type of mischievous boggart that terrorize families or any traveler that goes anywhere near them, by chucking and throwing various sized stones or boulders at them. These often change from a Hall Knocker due to the lack of attention they get. These boggarts can be reasoned with. A stone-chucker appears as an conglomeration of sticks, pebbles, and other organic matter. They have six strong arms for throwing rocks, and are terrifying to behold. They throw stones and boulders, to cause chaos or to inadvertently kill. One was discovered on Anglezarke Moor at Stone Farm, which the spook was forced to deal with. After destroying the tree it was using as a resting place, the boggart moved away towards the Hurst Farm, where it caused more chaos. As the spook used himself to sap the power of the boggart, which finally destroyed it, he became badly injured in the process. Stone Chuckers that inadvertently kill a person (impaled by a rock or boulder) are deemed a ‘Rogue Stone Chucker’ and can’t be reasoned with. These are noted to be just as dangerous as a Cattle Ripper and are either bound or killed.
