The Spook's Nightmare is the seventh novel in the children's book series The Wardstone Chronicles written by English author Joseph Delaney. The novel was originally published on May 27th 2010 by Bodley Head in hardback but since then it has been released in paperback (published by Red Fox). The book also due to be released in the US as The Last Apprentice: Rise of the Huntress on August 17th 2010 due to 'spook' may be viewed as a racist term to some of the American population.
Book Description[]
The Spook, Tom and Alice return from Greece to find the County under siege - and the Spook's home is burnt to the ground. With his precious library of knowledge destroyed, they seek refuge on the nearby island of Mona. But with Mona in the thrall of a twisted Shaman there is little respite from hostility or denizens of the dark. And as Alice dodges the ever-tightening net of the island's witch hunters, a more deadly enemy emerges . . . Bony Lizzie, freshly-escaped from the Spook's bonds, has grand ambitions: to take for herself the throne of isle. She has harnessed the services of a tunnel-dwelling buggane, an evil creature which thrives on stealing the animas, or life force, from its unsuspecting victims. With the buggane as her secret weapon can she become an all-powerful Witch Queen?
Book Chapters[]
- Red with Blood
- You Ain't Dead Yet!
- 'The Old Man'
- Rats with Wings
- The Abhuman
- Another Dead One!
- Thumb-Bones were Taken
- Buggane Lore
- The Attack of the Buggane
- A Dangerous Opponent
- The Witch's Pet
- The Boneyard's Eye
- My Gift to the County
- Fight to the Death
- Thumb-Bones
- Your Master's Worst Nightmare
- Stone Dead
- A Lost Spirit
- The Grim Cache
- Immense Power
- Prepared to Fight
- The Battle at Tynwald Hill
- Nightmares
- Terrifying Things
- The Beating of Wings
- Corrupted by the Dark
- I'll Take Your Bones Now!
- The Buggane
- One for Sorrow
- A Full Reckoning