The Spook's Wiki

A depiction of Zeus in The Spook's Bestiary.

An old god such as Zeus depends upon belief and his time has faded as worship has turned towards other deities. However, his time could come again. It depends upon fickle humans and what they believe at the time. He was not evil – but he had his own concerns amongst which the rights and beliefs of humans were not always important to him. Humans are like flies to him and he sometimes liked to pull off their wings

—Joseph Delaney

Zeus was one of the so-called old gods. He used to be their leader, but has faded away over time and has been forgotten. He had many relationships with lots of different women who gave birth to his children. His jealous wife, Hera, punished those she discovered; among them was Lamia. Believed to have been the Lord of the Storm, his preferred weapon was apparently the thunderbolt, using lightning to incinerate his enemies.


Very little is known about Zeus as any acts of worship has turned towards other deities. He used to be the leader of the old gods, and had many relationships with lots of different women who gave birth to his children.

He was not evil, but he had his own concerns amongst which the rights and beliefs of humans were not always important to him. Human are like flies to him and he sometimes liked to pull of their wings.
